May 2, 2024
brad fraser
This is an incredible opportunity for young playwrights to work with one of Canada’s most illustrious playwrights, Brad Fraser! Scoop up this chance while you can!!
Have you always been interested in writing for the theatre but didn’t know where to start? Have you written a play or two and never gotten a production? If so, we’re looking for you.
Internationally renowned playwright Brad Fraser, author of such works as Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love, Poor Super Man, Wolfboy, Outrageous, True Love Lies and many other scripts that have been produced worldwide over the last thirty years is offering an intensive playwriting program specifically for new or unproduced writers.
Says Fraser, “As the spaces for plays by new voices in any given theatre’s season have become more scarce and the writers vying for those spaces have become more competitive there is a danger that unproduced writers may come to believe the best way to get produced is to write plays that reflect or mimic the shows they already see on the stage. My own experience suggests the exact opposite. It is generally the freshest new voices and the most innovative scripts that catch the attention of dramaturges and artistic directors and this program is designed to give new writers permission to tell their stories in personal and unique ways.”
The program will be eight, two hour Monday night sessions (June 14th to August 2nd) at Playwrights Guild of Canada, 215 Spadina Ave, Suite 210, Toronto. Each participant will be expected to have a script they are developing and parts of those scripts will be read and discussed in a manner that reflects the individual components of writing for the theatre that will be explored during each meeting. Those components will be Story, Character, Dramatic Action, Structure, Style, Revision, Development and Production. Each session will also have occasional visits by a guest speaker who is already working in the theatre as well as the analysis of existing plays that each participant will be expected to read and other related topics.
These sessions will be rigorous, challenging and are not recommended for those who are precious about their work or do not rise to a challenge. The theatre is a merciless place, particularly for writers, and in addition to finding fresh ways to tell theatrical stories it will also examine the playwrights need to be able to justify and protect their work while also learning when to compromise, edit and change.
Participants will be expected to submit, electronically only, new or revised writing on the Friday evening before each Monday night session.
Finding Fresh Voices is not meant to be a primer that will help inexperienced playwrights find a production for their new play but, rather, a series of ideas and exercises that may make their new play arresting enough to find a production.
Those with no theatre experience as well as those who have had fringe productions, readings and workshops are eligible for this program. Those who have received a professional production(s) are not eligible for this program.
All writers wishing to be considered for the program must submit one scene, short play or portion of a longer play of no more than ten pages. Prose, poetry and writing for other media will not be considered and anything over ten pages will be automatically disqualified. The writing must be specifically for the theatre, double spaced, typewritten and submitted with the authors name, address and other information on a separate title page. Each page of the submission must have a header/footer with the title of the script and the page number but not the author’s name. All submissions must be through e-mail.
There will be a nominal charge of $160.00 to cover the cost of space, printing and reading time. This is a one time, non-refundable charge and must be paid to Playwrights Guild of Canada ( prior to the commencement of the first session. A failure to pay this fee up to one week before the commencement of the sessions will result in exclusion from the program.
The creation of a strong and trusting group dynamic is crucial to the success of this program therefore each participant must be willing and able to commit to attending every Monday night session. Should anyone fail to attend a session for any reason other than the most dire emergency they will automatically be ejected from the remaining sessions.
This is non-negotiable and those with other possible Monday night commitments are advised to wait for a future session.
Group size will depend on the number and quality of submissions but will likely not exceed fifteen people. A waiting list will be established for any entrants showing
potential in the event someone else cannot pay the fee or is forced to withdraw.
The playwrighting sessions will commence on June 14th and continue each consecutive Monday until ending on August 2nd.
Please submit entries to with the subject line: “FFV submission”
Location, time, payment details, reading list and any other details not covered in this brief will be sent to the accepted participants after they are chosen.